Our main objective is to reach out to you; alumni, friends and family and supporters of AGHS. We want to keep you up to date with valuable information that would keep you abreast of our activities and successes.
Going though this website you will see interesting articles pertaining to health, culture, beauty entertainment, human interest, “where are they now”, who-is-who, upcoming events and of course information on AGHS and AGHSAA.
As you read, if you know of any AGHS “old girl” who is a trailblazer, doing extra ordinary things, or doing ordinary things in a different way, please feel free to share that information with us.
It is our hope that our visitors to this website will return over and over again to be informed, educated, gain and share knowledge, and be entertained.
We invite and encourage our readers to make comments on our blogs or engage in our various social media. We welcome your questions and comments as well as suggestions for upcoming topics.